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Open Door Midwifery

The Birth of Nellie Jo

Nellie Josephine

12/27/22 at 8:36 PM

10 pounds 7 ounces, 21 inches

We are so thankful to have been able to work with Denise for the birth of our 4th child. We had just moved to the area and Denise was highly recommended. Due to my history of fast labors we opted for a homebirth. 

All of my other pregnancies, I had so much pressure from my providers about having the baby on time to prevent baby from getting too large and very pushy on interventions. Denise was so calm about it from the 1st appointment and trusted my intuition. Little did we know that I would end up going 15 days overdue! We had family that was very worried about the due date but Denise was so calm and was our rock and let me and baby do what was just perfect for us. 

On 12/27 I met Denise at the birth center for an ultrasound since I was 42+ weeks to double check amniotic fluid and see if we could find any other clues about what was going on in there. We could see that baby was sunny side up and not fully engaged to the cervix. Denise and I came up with a plan to help get baby to turn. I left the birth center at 6:50 pm and drove home. 

I helped get our kids to bed and went to sit down on the couch at a few minutes before 8:00 pm to text family an update from ultrasound. I suddenly had a large contraction that dropped me to my knees. 

I got up and quickly had another contraction. My husband was upstairs yet and the kids were asleep so I didn’t want to yell for him so I had to get upstairs to get him. I had another contraction upstairs. We made it back down and quickly had another contraction. 

My husband called Denise and she was shocked as I was just with her at my appointment and was NOT in labor at all. Denise and Maria immediately got in the car and headed to us about 15 mins out of town. 

Meanwhile our baby girl was in a hurry to get here and my husband and I delivered all 10 lb 7 oz of her at 8:36 pm- just a minute or two before Denise and Maria made it to our house. She must have turned on her own or during delivery as she came out just as she was supposed to! 

It was beautiful to work together as husband and wife to deliver our baby but also very peaceful knowing that Denise would be here soon to help if we needed it. 

They helped me deliver the placenta and made sure we were doing great and cleaned everything up. 

Denise was so wonderful to work with to welcome our 4th baby, Nellie Josephine (Nellie Jo) to our family. She is a wealth of knowledge in so many areas- a true blessing to our family! 

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