The Birth of Leo Luke


In the final days of a very healthy, smooth pregnancy I found myself eight days past my guess date and feeling pretty relaxed and wonderful. But, after a second evening of what felt like very low movement from the baby compared to usual, I called Denise to say I was concerned.  We discussed options and […]

The Births of Finley and Oliver


During the last part of my first pregnancy I re-read Ina May Gaskin’s Guide to Childbirth. My favorite part was, and always is, the birth stories shared at the end. With these stories still fresh in my mind, I knew I wanted to write my own birth stories. I wanted to be able to share […]

The Birth of Faustina

This is my 7th child, and the 4th daughter that Denise has helped to bring into this world. I was 42 weeks on Thursday, July 11th. That day, I went for my ultrasound and then midwife appointment that morning. Ultrasound looked fine, but the tech said that already some of baby’s measurements were off the […]

Birth of Naomi Rae

Our home birth was a three-part experience. Part one was prenatal visits where we got to know Denise and Allison, drank tea, checked all the signs of growth and health, and my young daughter Kira “helped” listen to the baby’s heart with the Dopplar. In these visits we gained knowledge about the home birth experience […]

The Birth of Neva Rose

Neva Rose 3 17 2016

Today is March 20, and Neva Rose Vera is 3 days old! As she sweetly dozed in her little bed, I used a little of my new-found energy and flexibility to straighten up our room – a little bit wistfully, might I add. Just before I went into labor, I had reached the pinnacle of […]